Friday, July 18, 2008

Assignment 5. “About interesting carrer-related topics”

The sociology is a science that studies human society, understood as a set of individuals who live together in various types of associations, communities and institutions. This requires usually theoretical models, a “Theory” that can explain those phenomena. In our career, a great topic, are the “contemporary theories”, which have tried to explain the social facts and social relations.

In “Theory 3”, we have learned about various authors, among them the biggest in recent times, as Habermas, Luhmann and Bourdieu. Habermas said that the traditional processes of democracy don`t provide a space for collective decision-making; but the public sphere can be reformed to promote the participation of community bodies, avoiding the colonization of the World of life by the systems. On the other part, Luhmann changed completely the form to understand to society. Leave aside completely the idea of a society composed of men, proposing a society emerging as the level at which reproduces social communications. Finally, Bourdieu, trying to overcome the traditional duality between sociology and social structures objectivism, on the one side, as opposed to social action and subjectivism (hermeneutics), on the other side. This gives two new concepts, habitus and the countryside, and reinvents an already established, the capital.

I think that in general the course succeeds in taking the broader aspects of contemporary sociology, so for me it is difficult to define other related materials. Establish Perhaps more importantly relations with the empirical world that enlarge the spectrum is theoretical. I believe further, that this type of discussion in particular, have been those that have motivated me to become interested in it.


Assignment 5. “About interesting carrer-related topics”

The sociology is a science that studies human society, understood as a set of individuals who live together in various types of associations, communities and institutions. This requires usually theoretical models, a “Theory” that can explain those phenomena. In our career, a great topic, are the “contemporary theories”, which have tried to explain the social facts and social relations.

In “Theory 3”, we have learned about various authors, among them the biggest in recent times, as Habermas, Luhmann and Bourdieu. Habermas said that the traditional processes of democracy don`t provide a space for collective decision-making; but the public sphere can be reformed to promote the participation of community bodies, avoiding the colonization of the World of life by the systems. On the other part, Luhmann changed completely the form to understand to society. Leave aside completely the idea of a society composed of men, proposing a society emerging as the level at which reproduces social communications. Finally, Bourdieu, trying to overcome the traditional duality between sociology and social structures objectivism, on the one side, as opposed to social action and subjectivism (hermeneutics), on the other side. This gives two new concepts, habitus and the countryside, and reinvents an already established, the capital.

I think that in general the course succeeds in taking the broader aspects of contemporary sociology, so for me it is difficult to define other related materials. Establish Perhaps more importantly relations with the empirical world that enlarge the spectrum is theoretical. I believe further, that this type of discussion in particular, have been those that have motivated me to become interested in it.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Assignment 4: “Recommended web sites in my area”

The University of Michigan
Documents Center

At this web site, you can find links on various quantitative social research. It is a centre of documents containing statistical information about the most varied topics. Some of the most important topics covered in the website are: Adoption, Culture, Ethnicity, Immigration, Religion, Sexual behaviour and Social security.

Department of Sociology at Essex

This web site is of the Department of Sociology of Essex`s University. Here, you can find a web links bank, that will help you obtain general information about the most important Social Theorists, around the world and to the long of the history.

ISA - Internacional Sociological Association

The third web site that i elected, is the international sociological association. At this web site you can find several links that will help you know about this scientific organization, and which is their position in relation to other scientific disciplines.